Monday, April 13, 2009

Fake it till you Make it

Remember how we replaced the bedroom side tables? Since I subscribe to the 'Waste not, Want not mentality' (aka the I-don't-got-no-money lifestyle), I couldn't replace the bedside tables without turning the old ones into something uber-fabulous.

Before the mirror+luggage rack were just a little old place for a cup of water and a bedtime book. Now they are...wait for it comes...


I can't help the cheese, ya'll. It's within my veins.

Anyhoo, the guest bedroom was the perfect place for the luggage racks. And the mirrors just needed a little updating for them to fulfill their lives as lovely faux windows. That's right. you heard correctly. I wanted my reflective beauties to create a fake window in my den.

First, I gave the mirrors a coat of white paint...yes, me and white paint are like Fifty & Eminem....brothers from another mother. Then I snagged a piece of lattice from Home Depot. I decided that this new mirror would be perfect to reflect the light from the door across the room. So I went to work brainstorming about the design...diamond, octogon, inside rectangle, maybe even spell out "I love Highschool Musical"...

In the end, I decided to make it look like another window. My boyfriend was ever-so-kind-enough to hang the beauts. Look at that focus...that determination...that manly's totally hot :)

Now we have a fakerroonie window/mirrors on the wall above the newly stained dresser. Not only does it open the space up but in the mornings, these bounce around the light pouring in from the deck door. And who wouldn't love more light these days? Combined the light with the illusion of space, and these faux windows are just the thing for my den. Seriously, if mirrors weren't so dangerously shard-y, I would totally kanoodle them. Because let's face it, mirrors are to home decor like fiber is to your diet...except the only horn you'll toot is how dang good your house looks.

For more info on the benefits of mirrors go check out TYH's post.


  1. Oooh, I love them. The fit perfectly in your den.

  2. Love them, obvi. How did you get the lattice so nice and perfectly straight when you attached them to the mirrors?

    And really, if you keep up with all of this fabulocity in your den I might come steal things. Of course I would be smart enough to look for a security web cam before I eat shredded cheese out of your fridge. (I mean did you see those robbers, totally low grade felons.)

  3. that idea. You're so creative!

  4. Fantastic & it really does brighten that space! Nice work, Crafty McCrafterson ; - )

  5. That looks great!! You are amazingly creative, nice job. :) However, I totally would've voted for a High School Musical reference in there somewhere. ;)

  6. I love fake ones. Windows, too. Yours look fabulous!

  7. Like Fifty and EM huh! LOL to funny...but great job..I mean GREEEAT job!

  8. This is totally impressive. If I tried something like this, it would be a disaster!

  9. I love this idea. You are so creative. You den is coming together very nicely! :)

  10. What a smart idea! I never would have figured out how to make them look like windows. It makes such a big impact (and a small one on the wallet). Nice work!

  11. those look great!

    You KILL me with all your ideas. Do you sleep?

  12. Love this idea! It really looks great in the room. Whan an impact!
