Sunday, July 20, 2008

Office Makeover - Part 2

Remember the office?

Yeah, so today I felt really encouraged by fellow blogger Mrs. Rauth to actually do the things that she suggested. So I present to you the before and after office chair.

Before - black metal chair with narrow blue & white stripe fabric

Stage 2 - spray paint chair in high gloss paint

Stage 3 - cover chair cushion in bold navy & white stripe fabric

Next up - create a cute monitor cover from baby blue or white fabric. Stay tuned for further details :)

Oh yeah and we finally hung the ships wheel that has been floating around our house for the past ten months with no place to go. It is a really cool piece. It was salvaged from a chinese ship that sank in the early 1900's. Finally it has a home! Jeremy was a dear and hung the pics too. I love that handyman :)

I am thinking that the chairs just need one bolster pillow a piece. Maybe in my bold stripe fabic again...I don't really know. If you have any suggestions - I would love to hear em.


  1. nice work chika! i love the bright chair and new chair pad...perfect for your room! and your reading corner...i'll bring a book! =) the wheel looks great over those chairs. i like the two lighter striped pillows on each chair...colors and look are the same but the slightly different fabric adds some more charm to the room.

  2. Thanks girl! Loved the tips - wanna come over and fix the rest of the house? :)
