Friday, November 7, 2008

'Shear' Happiness

I got my hair cut. It only took me two months and one week to decide and execute a haircut...but I think I am really gonna love it (when it gets over itself and comes outta shock).

Here is a photo of what it used to look like:

I hadn't gotten it cut in over a year. It's just not a priority.

And then when I did finally get off my lazy patootie, I immediately threw a headband on. I always have a headband or ponytail holder.

Here's the thing - see where it says Canon (backwards) in the go up...keeping going...stop! See that area of my head where the hair is blonder? This is my problem area. The problem arises when photos are taken and my hair is pulled back - all of a sudden, I have a bald spot. On both sides. It looks worse than Donald Trumps.

So I dyed it. Those 28 wash dyes. Yup...I love what those little boxes of genius do to my hair. It is shinier, smoother, softer and thankfully darker around the forehead area now. And seeing this photo makes me realize that maybe I should wear makeup. My face is so pasty and I have some serious eye bags going on. I get those from my dad - maybe those can stay :) Overall I think it looks sortof like my goal hairstyle...sortof.

Oh - interesting story: the hairstylist was running my bill and asked if I needed to set another appointment. I said 'no, I just got it cut'. Then she said that if I was planning on getting another appointment before Thanksgiving it would be impossible and before Christmas has a waiting list. I said 'thanks but I get my hair cut like maybe once a year'. I heard four gasps around me and this one assistant looked at me like I announced I had gonorrhea of the mouth. Note to self - it is not acceptable to publicly announce how I neglect personal upkeep.

Do you have any crazy hair stories? Or crazy hairstylist stories? Please share. I don't get enough laughs around here :) Oh and if you didn't already, go comment to win the Bower Power Giveaway. I am ending the contest on Saturday at midnight!


  1. The cut and color looks great. Polished but still natural.

    Not that you are asking for suggestions but you have a great face shape for a short 'do. Im envious as I always wanted a pixie cut but I dont have the bone structure :)

  2. Katie! Love it... love the color and cut. I get my hair cut once a year too... we should join a club! And I think you look beautiful all natural!

  3. love it girlie! And you know how concerned I am about personal upkeep.... uh, what's that???? Thanks to my mother-in-law I have a free hairstylist....that I see maybe twice a year, so that equals two haircuts a year. Rock on!!!!

  4. haha... I've had the exact same experience. I used get my hair cut about 3 times a year. I once uttered these words at the hair salon, and I too was given the Look Of Death by an assistant. I now go about every 8 weeks because a) I love my hair guy and b)I convince myself that my hair looks better all neatly trimmed... but really, it's just that I love my hair guy. ;)

  5. Love your cut and color.

    BTW, you don't need makeup. I think you look lovely au natural in you photo. =)

  6. Your hair looks great! I love the color

  7. I think it looks great in all three pictures!

  8. Since I am also one to neglect my hair and tend to like longer vs shorter, I think your hair as was, was gorgeous! :)

    But that being said, there is nothing like going in for a fresh chop to make everything nice and crisp! It looks fabulous on you!

    Nice work on the dye job decision.

  9. The new do and color looks great! Very chic and natural!

  10. I agree w/ leah, you've always been gorgeous and the new do looks so great. Can I be part of your entourage? I can open doors for you and stuff ;)

  11. Looks GREAT! I am in SERIOUS need of a haircut. my hair grows way too fast. Wish it'd just grow thicker instead. lol!

  12. i'll copy what everyone above already said - looks great, love it!

  13. Hi Ya'll,

    You guys know all the right things to say - boys should seriously take notes from your would take them far with the ladies!

    Mrs. Limestone, I seriously want a pixie cut one day & you are the second person in a week to tell me that...I think that Jeremy would divorce me though...any ideas how I could make him think it's his brainchild?

    It's nice to know that I ain't alone in the once-a-year-hair-cut guys are just as negligent as me, YEA! And since you all love the color, I might make this a more regular dying event! Three cheers for no more bald spots! Hip Hip Hooray!

    XO - Katie

  14. Love the new cut and color Katie--you look beautiful!!
