Let's get this party started, shall we? I am here to get down while sharing a very special wedding with you folks. So warm up your chicken arms & electric slide because we are gonna boogie the night away....with a very lemony & limey celebration.

I was thrilled outta my face when I received an invitation that stated my long-time buddy Jack was takin the plunge and finally settling down. Jack is a good ole boy at heart (one time he made me a gift outta concrete...yeah...it was almost as awesome as the one he made with a chainsaw) but he is a true romantic too. So I knew that when we walked up to the outdoor ceremony complete with TONS of flowers - this was truly a reflection of the beautiful bride and my boy Jack.

And speaking of the bride, Callae looked absolutely radiant in her cream beaded gown and pearl necklace. Can you believe this girl doesn't have to wear makeup!?!? (enter choice words here). If it were possible to actually change my skin color outta pure jealousy - I would blend right in with her color scheme which was an amazing blend of yellows, greens, and whites. And the color of her bouquet really picked up those hues by highlighting the white & golden roses.

But Callae wasn't the only thing decked out with flowers - they were everywhere. It was like a florist shop exploded and all the perfectly arranged groups became magically fastened to each row of chairs, the lamps, the doors, the railings, and everywhere inbetween. Like the one pictured above - yeah, the one with hydrangeas, roses, and lilys - was attached to a stairway that lead us from the ceremony spot down to the adjoining reception facility.

The view from the party spot was unreal. In one direction, you are looking up the hill to see the small gazebo where Jack & Callae said "I do" with the chapel behind it. And the other way, you are overlooking farmlands to view Watts Bar Lake & the Tennessee mountains! Did I mention that this was the perfect spot to get married? Yeah...if weddings were karate - the
Whitestone Country Inn would be Mister Miyagi....and he really knows how to kick it :)

Greeting us at the reception was a table loaded with vintage glassware and huge jars of lemonade and limeade. Dontcha just love the floaters? You knew it was coming...didn't you?! :)

And after we grabbed a glass of our favorite sweet & tart beverage we were ushered into the reception space. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the slew of food. And after I stopped hunching over the buffet like a vulture ready to pounce, I realized that waiters had trays with something on it that smelled like bacon. I was correct. Pineapple wrapped in bacon, shrimp cocktail served in mini shot glasses and chocolate covered strawberries were just enough to keep the hunger at bay...at least for a few minutes.

The crew of hungry men that live in my stomach didn't have to wait long because we were soon invited to the feast that I had earlier undressed with my eyes. This was my first plate. The second had chicken and the third had seven bacon appetizers. (oh and do you see the ceremony program in the back? Yeah - simple & cute - I was totally loving the green ribbon!)

I couldn't wait to share the small centerpiece (I didn't get a shot of the big ones!) that made it's home on our table. I love the lemon & lime slices like boys love their own parts. It's seriously that much. (and doesn't it kinda remind you of the
baby shower I threw back in October - but with more fab goldenness?)
And love wouldn't be love without cake to celebrate, right? The wedding cake was a layered feast with pound cake with lemon filling and a white cake with strawberries mixed in to accent the strawberry cream cheese icing. It was heavenly. HEAVENLY! And even with it's angelic status, it didn't capture my heart like the groom's cake did. Ohhhh. Let me tell you a thing or two. I don't even like cake. I am more of an icecream with a brownie type of girl. But the chocolate thunder that was the groom's cake had me shakin in my heels. Literally. Two people asked if I was ok. And I heard one person whisper that I was having a seizure. It was
that good.

Even though I was suffering from slight sugar shock, it didn't stop me from running around taking pictures of the creativity that I could incorporate at home. Just check out this simple vase filled with some citrus fruits and topped with some cream colored flowers. Stunning right? But imagine it now in the center of your buffet the next time you host a dinner party. Yes - your friends will think you are a decorating genius.
And if that wasn't enough - look at these small round fishbowls filled with some leaves and either a fruit or flower. Hello to a centerpiece that is easy to talk over and will increase your reputation!

If the running around, bootie dancing and jumping up and down was enough to burn off the 4000 calories I had consumed, the newlyweds were kind enough to make sure we could take a little something home with us. Isn't that sweet? (heehee!) This candy bar was consumed with the wedding colors - but not that I noticed. I was too busy pushing kids out of the way so that I could get the scoops first! I filled my little box - and one for my boyfriend - made a mental note to say how much I love the yellow ribbon stripes - and headed out to the car for the long drive home.

But don't you worry - we were smart enough to set the camera on a timer for the obligatory couples picture. Didn't my Jeremy look so dashing in his suit? Seriously - if I hadn't been in such a rush to get back to watch the shows on our DVR, I would probably wanted to renew our vows right then and there. Yeah, I am a thunderstealer.
So now that Jack & Callae are off traveling the globe (yes - their honeymoon was a monthlong trip around the world) - let's
eat bacon outta jealousy talk about our favorite part of the wedding. Was it the amazing centerpieces? the location, location, location? the spritely color scheme? or are you a girl like me who votes with her tastebuds? Aren't buffets amazing?!