Sunday, July 6, 2008

Goodwill Goodies

Jeremy and I hit up the local Goodwill this afternoon. I always seem to find some treasures that I can't live without. Today I got everything for $11. It was so cool.

2 glass domes - I want to use these during a party to cover appetizers or use as a place setting during a fancy meal or to put a little plant inside like these -->

2 little soon as the laundry rooms gets done in the basement these will adorn the bathroom wall

Bennington Potters pots and dish - I googled this Vermont company and now I can't wait to go up north to take the free tour of their factory.

Already read the first chapter - she's no writer but her life is so interesting I couldn't put it down.

Cole (my nephew) is gonna celebrate his fourth birthday in two weeks. This is gonna be one of his gifts (along with a giant bag of gummie bears - contradictory, I know). Gotta love Dr. Seuss!

If you find any cute photos or great ideas on what I can use my new lightly used items - please share...I can't wait to hear the feedback!

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